29 October 2009

Soil in Liwa, Lampung, Sumatra Island, Indonesia

In general, the southern region of Liwa (West Lampung, Sumatra Island) is covered by the residual soil. Soil residues in this region formed by weathering processes are in-situ in the parent rock without experiencing erosion or transportation. Condition tropical regions resulted in the formation of residual soil in Liwa area controlled by the degree of chemical weathering. Climatic and topographic factors also indirectly affect the soil formation process in Liwa area because of these factors helped determine the level of weathering and the thickness of the residual soil. Soil residues from the Liwa area derived from volcanic rock deposition filled up most of volcano hills and valleys. Residual soil weathering is the result of volcanic material such as tuff which has the highest plasticity and high compressibility. It also has a characteristic level of intensive consolidation (Wesley, 1988).
The residual soil in this area can be divided into two types based on their physical appearance. Brown residue on the soil top layer of 0-3 m, whereas below this layer is a red residual soils with a depth> 3 m. They are on the horizon E and B according to the classification of soil profiles according to Soil Survey Staff. Brown residue in the soil on eluviated horizon (E horizon) is characterized by light brown color, many lost their silicate minerals, clay, iron elements, or aluminum due to the washing process and leaving sand or silt particles of minerals resistant. Ground red residues are on illuviated horizon (B horizon) is characterized by red, mineral concentration washing process results in the form of clay minerals, carbon, sesquioxides of iron and aluminum elements.

·                     Consolidation and compressibility tests showed a tendency to brown residual soil settlement properties (decrease in building construction) are high enough compared with the residual red soil. In accordance with the thickness, consolidation brown residue on the soil is estimated to occur up to 3 m.

·                     Based on the compaction test, natural water content of soil residues (brown and red) are high and are slightly above the optimum water content. As piling material, it is necessary to obtain some degree of drying for the maximum resistance power.

·                     The flow of water occurs vertically from top to bottom through the soil horizons. This process is triggered so that the leaching process of accumulation of minerals often found in the layer B (red residual soil) as enrichment. Lateral water flow at the surface and the erosion is minimal, so that the process of formation of sedimentary soil less than the residual soil widespread in this region.

·                     Soil residues in this region (brown and red) are loaded with halloysite clay minerals, high plasticity value, so that is sensitive to the effects of vibration and changes in pore water pressure. In saturated conditions can cause instability and prone to landslides, especially on steep slopes.

Tectonic and Structure Geology of Sumatra Island

Sumatra Island is located in the path of volcano (NW-SE). Sumatra volcanic arc was formed by the meeting of two plates, the Indo-Australian plate which plunge down into Eurasian plate. The converging between the two plates as more detailed formed tectonic elements as follow:

• Active subduction zone, manifested by the Java-Sumatra Trench.
• Non-magmatic arc as accretionary wedge that formed island of Nias, Simeule Island, Mentawai Islands, etc..
• Fore arc basin, manifested by Sibolga Basin and Bengkulu Basin.
• Magmatic arc, indicated by the Barisan Mountains. Volcanoes located in the Barisan Mountains including Mount Merapi, Mount Kerinci, etc..
• Back arc basin, manifested by the Malacca Straits.
• Continental shelf of Sundaland.

Structure Map of Sumatra Island (Darman & Sidi, 2000)

Important symptoms that occur in Sumatra, in addition to that described above is the presence of horizontal Sumatra fault, known as the Sumatra Fault System (SFS) which divides the island of Sumatra, and following the path of the Barisan Mountains from Aceh to the Sunda Strait. There are two thoughts about SFS:

• Allegedly as a consequence of oblique subduction occurred in Sumatera (Katili, 1985).
• The movement was done by collision between India-Eurasia plate which extruded blocks of Southeast Asia toward Southeast (Tapponier, 1982).

In general, the process of Barisan Mountains uplifting began in Late Miocene, probably reached its peak at the boundary between the Miocene-Pliocene. This uplifting process is not consistently going on until now as estimated by recent geological features followed by the pattern of tectonics in the Early Pleistocene. Tectonic activity along the island formed massive geanticlines that causing the temperature rise related to rapid intrusion of accumulated magma underneath. It is characterized by increasing of both volcanic activity and lateral movement along Sumatra Fault System. All active tectonic activity over the Sumatra region is considered as the main source of recent earthquakes.

24 October 2009

Karst Landscapes

Chemical weathering of rocks rich in carbonates would form a unique landscape such as caves, rivers, underground rivers, and springs. Karst derives from the narrow plains means empty due to the dissolving of the work on the surrounding area. Karst developed in areas that have many limestone with little dolomite. Chemical solubility of limestone become more intense when there are cracks, cracks in the rocks so that erosion comes through the gap and continuous surface to the inside.

Limestone towers and conical hills Southeast of Guilin, China

In general there are four necessary conditions for the emergence of karst. First there must be limestone located close to the surface. However, karst is usually found in the dolomite layer was covered by the very lack of solubility when compared with limestone. Second, limestone be packed with lots of thick and thin layered. If the rock is too permeable then the water will continue to flow without reacting first with limestone. Third, the existence of rivers under the ground upon which consist of soluble rocks while also allowing a lot of heavy downward flow forming subsurface water flow is important in the formation of karst. And the last at least the area must have a rainfall conditions is high enough. Some areas with climate Arid or semi-Arid to form karst, karst formation, although some may appear in the previous period when the climate humid/wet.

22 October 2009

Gunung Benau (Benau Mount), Type of Sedimentation and Lithology

Consist of interbedded marl and limestone with intercalation of fine grained sandstone conformably overly shoreface sandstone unit. Marl characteristic by grey, limey, frequent calsitic, rich concretions, and pyrite nodules, bioturbated, fossils, minor mica and carbon, concretion. The marl interbedded with light grey, hard, massive, calcite veined, micritic limestone. This well bedded micritic limestone indicate a platform environment. Some build up reef limestone and minor sandstone were also found in this unit.

There also reef limestone with a great amount of fossils including coral, foraminifera, and gastropod. The reef limestone growth in shallow marine environment and interacted with sea level change. Distribution of the reef limestone is not too far and just only found in several spot. It means that the reef can not grow optimally because the sea level change that makes reef can’t catch up or give up to the sea level. The lack of sunshine and nutrient or large influx of terigeneous clastic sediments could also disturbing the growth of reefal limestone.

The limestone is various. In some place, found grey, massive, micritic, very fine-fine grained (calsilutite-calcarenite), no fossil, calsitic, up to 1.5 metres and has a good thin and thick bedding with the marl. The others is fossiliferous limestone, whitish-yellow, texture compact, largely calsite, shells, gastropods, algae, coral. This unit deposited in shelf and shallow water environment. We can interpret the limestone that the massive, micritic limestone is deposited around the outer shelf, near reef, or barrier reef. The major frame building colonies, heads of algae, gastropods, poorly sorted calsirudite, shells, and very rich cavities, hollows is part of reefal (Biohermal Limestone) as a lense or boulder and surrounded by marl and the pelletal packestone, bioclastic wackestone, and limestone is only a local reef development, and growth after shoreface sandstone unit deposited because of drop sea level phase. This local boundstone with limey sand bodies is part of lagoonal or mid-shelf environment.

The middle section contains a tiny section of minor mica, very fine-grained sandstone that interbedded with limestone and marls. This sandstone indicates deltaic/tidal influence in the platform environment. Probably, this environment just occurred in a short time. The whole unit represents platform sedimentation with some localized reef. Sea level change and tectonic process play role during the deposition. The base of this unit is conformably overlies the shoreface unit .The upper contact is an uncomformity with volcanic rock sequence because airfall tuff overlies the marl-limestone unit.

Tanjung Redeb, North East Borneo Geology

Structure and Tectonics

Structures found in the Tj Redeb consist of folds, normal faults, strike slip faults and lineaments. Faults trend NW-SE and SW-NE. Folds trend NW-SE and SW-NE forming anticlines and synclines. This are presumed to have four tectonic events. First event inferred during Late Cretaceous time or older. This event made the Bangara Fm. sediments into folding, faulting and low grade metamorphic rocks. Depositions of Early Eocene shallow marine sediment within the Sembakung Fm. (middle and western part of  area) was also formed Tabalar Fm. in the SE mapped in Eocene-Oligocene and followed by the second tectonic event. Deposition of the Bangara Fm. took place in the middle, east, south and west in the Oligo-Miocene where it is locally intruded by Andesitic rocks, which have been altered and mineralized. Oligo Miocene volcanic activity formed the Jelai Volcanic Rocks in the west. After deposition of the Birang Fm. the Latih Fm was deposited. The Latih Fm. sediments were formed surrounding Teluk Bayur during Late Early Miocene up to Middle Miocene.

The third tectonic event seems to have been occurred after the position of the Latih Fm. Deposition of the Labanan Fm. in the SW and Domaring Fm in the east occurred during the Late Miocene up to the Pliocene whereas the Late Miocene sediments of the Tabul Fm was formed in the north and deposition of the Sinjin Fm. (in SW and N of the sheet). After deposition of the Sinjin Fm. the Sajau Fm. was deposited in the Eastern portion of the sheet in the Plio-Pleistocene.

The Late Pleistocene, after deposition of the Sajau Fm. sediments, the fourth tectonic event was presumed to have occurred. This was showing folding and faulting sediments of the Sajau Fm. and older sediments on the lower part to form the recent topography and morphology.

Mineral and Energy Resources

Coal is one of natural resources having a good prospect in the studied area. The coal surveys were carried out since the Netherlands Indies Government and then continue investigating by the Indonesian Government. Coals are found within sediments of the Latih, Tabul, Labanan and Sajau Formations. The coal mining was formerly carried out by the NV Steenkolen Maatschappij Prapatan (SMP).

Previous geologists report 70 coal seams ranging from 20cm to 5.5 M in thickness. There are many varieties of coal grading from bituminous coal to brown coal. The bituminous and sub-bituminous coals have a quality of 6000 calories per gram. The Teluk Bayur coals have 7000 calories per gram. Building materials such as quartz sand and clays are widespread in Teluk Bayur and Labanan areas. Good quality limestone outcrops are found in Tanjung Selor but are limited in area. The limestone also crops out well in Siduung River upstream but it is hard to be mined because of bad transportation. Limited andesite outcrops were also found in the west and they were used by the logging company for building roads.

Situmorang, R.L. and Burhan, G., 1995

Regional Stratigraphy
  • Qa – Quaternary alluvium, Mud, silt, sand, cobbles, pebbles and peat, grey to blackish colors, Unit thicknesses up to 40M..
  • Ql – QUATERNARY REEF LIMESTONE, Reefal, coralline and brecciated corals, white to grey, brown, crystalline, hollows, containing corals, locally brecciated, deposited in shallow marine environment.
  • TQps – SAJAU Fm. Alternations of claystone, siltstone, sandstone, conglomerate, intercalations of coal seams, contains molluscs, quartzite and micas. Shows cross bedding and lamination. Coal seams 20-100CM thick, black to brown. Unit thickness about 775M deposited in fluviatile and delta environments..
  • Tps – SINJIN Fm. Alternations of tuff, agglomerate, lapilli, pyroxene andesite lava, silicified tuff, tuffaceous claystone and kaolin. Contains lignite, quartz, feldspar and black minerals. Unit thickness up to 500M.
  • Tmpd – DOMARING Fm. Coralline limestone, chalky limestone, intercalations of marl and lignite; deposited in swampy-littoral environment, thickness is about 1000M. Of Late Miocene-Pliocene Age.
  • Tmpl – LABANAN Fm. Alternating polymic conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, and claystone, intercalations of limestone and coal seams (20-150CM thick) deposited in fluvial environment. Thickness is about 450M. Late Miocene-Pliocene age.
  • Tmt – TABUL Fm. Consisting of sandstone, claystone, conglomerate and coal seam intercalations. Contains Operculina sp. Unit thickness about 1050M. Deposited in delta, regressive environment. Late Miocene age.
  • Tml – LATIH Fm. Quartz sandstone, claystone, siltstone and coal in the upper part. Intercalations of sandy shale and limestone in the lower part. Black and brown coal seams 0.2 to 5.5M thick. Deposited in estuary, delta and shallow marine environments. Unit thickness is about 800M. Early Miocene to Late Miocene age.
  • Tomj – JELAI VOLCANICS, Volcanic breccia, tuffaceous sandstone and tuff. Locally intercalated with coal seams, shows graded bedding and cross bedding structures. Andesite cleave intrusive. Unit thickness reached 200M. Oligocene to Miocene age.
  • Tomb – BIRANG Fm. Alternations of marl, limestone and tuff in the upper part. Alternations of marl, chert, conglomerate, quartz sandstone and limestone in the lower part. Thickness is about 1100M. Fossils content: Lepidocyclina ephicides, Spiroclypeus sp., Miogypsina sp., Marginopora vertebralis, Operculina sp., Globigerina tripartite Koch, Globigerinita altispira, Globorotalina mayeri Cushman and Ellisor, Globorotalia peripheronda, Globigerinoides immaturus, Globigerinoides sacculifer, Pre-Orbulina transitoria, Uvigerina sp., and Cassidulina sp. Fossils range Oligocene-Miocene Age.
  • Teot – TABALAR Fm. Lower part consist of grey marl, sandstone, shale and intercalations of limestone and basal conglomerate. Upper part consists of dolomite and calcarenite and marl intercalations. Deposited in fluvial-shallow marine environment. Thickness is about 1000M. Eocene to Oligocene age.
  • Tes –SEMBAKUNG Fm. Claystone, siltstone and sandstone in the lower part. Quartz sandstone, sandy limestone, chert and tuff in the upper part. Contains fossils: Nummulites sp., Discocyclina sp. Operculina sp. Globigerina sp. Reusella sp. Nodosaria sp., Planulina sp., Amphistegina sp., and Borelis sp., Unit thickness up to 1000M. Deposited in marine environment. Eocene age.
  • Kbs – BANGARA Fm. Alternations of metamorphic claystone, silicified claystone, black claystone and shale intercalated with laminated tuffs containing radiolaria. Flysch deposit.
  • Tomi – INTRUSIVE ROCKS, Andesite, consisting of vitrophyre, prophyllitic andesite and pyroxene andesite lavas.

08 October 2009

Geology of Lomblen Island, Indonesia

Regional Geology and Stratigraphy

Regional structure Lomblen Island include of Banda arc Volcanic belt, with structure terms as folding and faulting in NE-SW and SE-NW direction. The oldest rock formation is Kiro Formation (Tmk) in lower Miocene until upper Miocene. This formation consist of lava, breccias, agglomerate implied layered tuff. Kiro formation wedge with Nangapanda formation (Tmn) that consisted of sandy tuff, breccias tuff, and implied by limestone. Those old formation above were infiltrated by granodiorite (Tmd) in upper Miocene. When Pliocen-Plistocene there was volcanic activity such as lava, agglomerate, and tuff.

Regional Stratigraphy of Lomblen Island (Noya, Y., and Suwarno, N., 1983)
Structure Characteristics

By regional investigation in field, map of topography and interpretation photograph air there are 2 especial structure direction that is: north-south direction and northeast-southwest direction. In this area (Atedai) there are 6 big structure they are lineament, volcano, cauldron, crater, caldera, slide and fault.


This lineament structure have the direction NW-SE. This structure is the oldest big structure estimated cut the basement. Alongside this lineament have emerged the volcano network, such as: Watulolo, Atolojo, Watukuba etc.

Cauldron (crater of Atolojo)

This cauldron structure is the result of eruption mount Atolojo, which among other things yield fallout sediment of pyroclastic skoria andesitic. Cauldron diameter 750-1000 m encircling from NE till NW and open toward north.

Caldera Watukuba

This structure is the result of eruption Watukuba yielding dusty sediment of pyroclastic. diameter of caldera Watukuba 2500 m encircle from north direction to west till easterly. In floor of caldera there are geothermal manifestation like hot ground and alteration.

Debris Avalanches/sliding of Wai Teba

This structure represent the slide which have association with the weak area, form like horse poultice that opening eastwards of Watuwawer.

Fault of Wai Kowan

Fault structure have the direction NE-SW. Alongside this structure have attended the hot water source of Wai Kowan, hot ground of Koti and area of alteration Lowo Kebingin.

Fault of Lewoderoma

This structure have the direction NE-SW. As long as this structure have emerged the hot water source of Lewoderoma And hot water of Waiketi.


Regional area of research by Volcanology Department of Indonesia divided in 5 morphology region:
  1. Old volcanic
  2. Mount Watuloko
  3. Mount Watukuba and Atalojo
  4. Debris Avalanches unit
  5. Plain morphology unit
· Old volcanic
Set of this distinguished by circular hilly. The relief is smooth until middle. Dale instruct north-south direction. River have parallel semi pattern and sentence sharply form in high stadium erosion. Set of this reside in north formed of old rock volcanic.

· Mount Watuloko
Set of this distinguished by topography form which harsh, precipitous level of inclination and erosion river deeply. Set of this take possession of the middle until north of investigation area limited of old morphology volcanic. Set of this built by lava andesitic which is generally escaped because fault.

· Mount Watukuba and Atalojo
Set of this show the very typical topography form that is volcano crater and caldera. There are a crater with the diameter 750-1000 m ( Mount Atalojo) and a caldera with the diameter 2500 m ( Mount Watukuba). Set of this morphology is formed by fallout of sediment of pyroclastic and lava. The river have pattern radial with the narrow tight dale pattern making dominant vertical erosion.

· Debris Avalanches unit
Set of this have the wavy topography form with middle of level inclination. Generally weak river stream and a little erosion. Set of this formed by rock from landslide.

· Plain morphology unit
Set of this located in coast environment formed by rock alluvial. Set of this distinguished by smooth topography.

Geothermal, Atadai East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia


Based on geological surveys the area is mostly covered by the Quaternary andesitic volcanic rock, while those rocks are uncomfortably underlain by Tertiary basement rocks of Kiro and Nangapanda formations. Volcanic products include lavas, pyroclastics and lahars. From thin section in petrography observation shows that the volcanic rocks are andesine pyroxene composition. The volcanic products can be divided into two groups; the old volcanic and the young volcanic. The crop outs were founded at the northern and the southern part of the area with unknown eruption centers and forms a high dissected terrain. Also those were the forms cones at the central and eastern part of the area along the NNW-SSE trending volcanic lineament.

The couple of NE-SW trending normal faults in this area recognized as Wolo Kebingin fault in the north and Mauraja fault in the south, these faults possibly control occurring thermal features in the area. There is also a major volcanic center known as Watuwawer caldera of about 2,5 km2 in diameter, located in the central part of the study area (Figure 4.1).

Figure 4.1: Geological Map of Atadai Geothermal Area (Sundhoro, et al., 2003)


Thermal features in Atadai geother¬mal area occur over an area about 25 km2 within the Watuwawer caldera, eastern and western flank of the volcanic lineaments. There are at least 9 locations of thermal features which are in an elevation between 170 m to 500 m above sea level. These include hot springs, fumaroles, steaming grounds/ hot grounds, and altered rocks. And then the flow rates of these hot springs are between 1 to 50 liter/minute. The temperature of six hot springs are up to 42 oC, however the temperature of three fumaroles and hot ground are up to 98 oC (Table. 4.1).

No Location Manifestations Temp. (oC) pH Type of Fluid Remarks
1. Watuwawer (Koru Matek) Fumaroles, hot ground and altered rock 96 2-3 Sulphate Up Flow
2. Lowokebingin (Wai Kating) Fumaroles, hot ground and altered rock 98 2-3 Sulphate Up Flow
3. Lowokoba (W. Teba) Hot ground and altered rock 96 3 Sulphate Up Flow
4. Wae Kerata Hot Spring 40 6.8 Bi -Carbon¬ate Out Flow
5. Wae Tupat Kecil Hot Spring 40 7.6 Bi -Carbon¬ate Out Flow
6. Wae Kowan Hot Spring 40 6.8 Bi -Carbon¬ate Out Flow
7. Wae Tupat Hot Spring 35 7.2 Bi -Carbon¬ate Out Flow
8. Wae Keti / Lewogeroma Hot Spring 38 7.2 Bi -Carbon¬ate Out Flow
9. Wae Teba Hot Spring 42 6.5 Bi -Carbon¬ate Out Flow

Table 4.1: The Thermal Features in Atadai, Lembata, East Nusa Tenggara

Following the example of the hot water have been taken in order to be known the nature of physical and its chemistry. From chemical analysis result of example can be determinated hot water type in investigation area (Figure 4.2). According to diagram Cl-, S042= and HCO3 water in investigation area can become 2 system that is:

1. Bicarbonate system
2. Sulphate system

Figure 4.2: Types of Water in Atadai Geothermal Area (suparman, et al., 1997)

The first system and the second ones show out flow system and the up flow system. Both of the hot water system supposed have been contaminated by meteoric water. Quantitatively, temperature of under surface was determined with a few method such as: silica method, method Na-K, and method of gas (methane and ammonia). The Result of temperature measurement of under surface with the silica method ( SiO2) show the temperature between 129-147 oC, while using method Na/K relative more higher (> 300oC), with the method of gas show the temperature between 178-221oC.

Considering that the geothermometer Na/K higher level than the other, water type dominant is bicarbonate with the surface temperature 40oC. It is included in enthalpy intermediate (125-225oC). Hence temperature of under surface was used from geothermometer SiO2 as minimum temperature (129oC) and maximum temperature from geothermometer gas ( 221oC).

There are also surface alteration of advanced argillic type. Clay minerals present in both the active thermal features area of Watuwawer and Lowokebingin. Minerals are predominantly: Kaolin, Halloysite, Smectite and Alunite. However Phyrophillite and Dickite are also present, which probably represent the high temperature of clay minerals in the acidic condition.

The high contour values of soil mercury is concentrated around Lowo Kebingin, Lowokoba and Watuwawer hot springs, where the maximum concentration of Hg are up to 2566, 564 and 330 ppb. The high values of soil gas CO2 is 6,76 %, It is also concentrated around the active geothermal manifestation of Watuwawer (Figure 4.3 and 4.4).

Figure 4.3: Soil Mercury in Atadai Geothermal Area (Suparman, et al., 1997)

Figure 4.4: Distribution of CO2 in Atadai Geothermal Area (Suparman, et al., 1997)


To get more interpretation about depth investigation then Volcanology Department of Indonesia used Schlumberger geoelectrical method. From this method gained more information of lateral and vertical distributions using resistivity data. Resistivity data indicated that low resistivity zones which represent argillic alterations about 15 km. The lateral of the low resistivity boundaries (below 10 Ohm-m) are related with the active thermal features areas, such as: Watuwawer and Lowokebingin. The resistivity boundaries which represent a prospect area covers at least 7 km2 area. The vertical sounding data shows that the thickness of conductive layers which represent the clay cap of the Atadai geothermal system are estimated between 500 m to 600 m depth of the bottom surface. The models of geothermal system have been made by geophysical team member of Volcanology Department of Indonesia on period 1997-2000 (Figure 4.2 and 4.3).

Figure 4.5: Apparent Resistivity Map of Atadai Geothermal Area (Sundhoro, et al., 2003)

Figure 4.6: Apparent Resistivity Cross Section of Atadai (Sundhoro, et al., 2003)

The tentative model of the Atadai geothermal area is shown in Figure 4.4. It is looks that in the active geothermal manifestations strictly an up-flow system with elevation are between 300 to 500 m above sea level. Whereas out flow geothermal system is manifested by the hot springs, which are situated in the flank of caldera Watuwawer with the elevation are between 170 to 250 m above sea level.

Figure 4.7: Tentative Geothermal Model of Atadai Geothermal Area (Sundhoro, et al., 2003)

Prospects Areas

The prospect area in Atadai is decided from the result of the geological, geochemical and geophysical surveys, such as: thermal features of hot springs, fumaroles, steaming grounds/ hot grounds, altered rocks, the resistivity boundaries, the high contour values of soil mercury and soil gas CO2, and also the structure geology of Watuwawer caldera. The structure of the cones at the central and eastern part of area, the NNW-SSE trend volcanic lineament, and the couple of NE-SW trending normal faults of Lowo Kebingin fault in the north and Mauraja fault in the south are dominantly controlling the prospect area (Figure 4.5).
Base on the prospect area of about 7-8 km2, than the estimated of the potential energy in Atadai geothermal area is about 22 Mwe. The estimation of geothermal energy in Atadai area are:

1. Watuwawer = 21.347 MWe
2. Wolokebingin = 1.187 MWe

Figure 4.8: The Prospect Area of Atadai Geothermal Area (Sundhoro, et al., 2003)

Based on those data, concluded that the prospect area in Atadai covers into Watuwawer and Lowo Kebingin, which both of the areas are situated in the nearby of the surface manifestations. Comparing between these prospect area indicate that Watuwawer is the most attractively exposure up of thermal features rather than in the Lowo Kebingin. The surface terrain of both prospect area are very different, Lowokebingin lies in the medium to the high steeply valley, whereas Watuwawer lies in the flat area. It forms a high dissected terrain on the floor of the Watuwawer caldera and it is also boundaried by caldera rim.

07 October 2009

Sikuai Island, West Sumatra Indonesia

Sikuai Island, there is beautiful and sophisticated island in west Sumatra Indonesia, named Sikuai. A private island which shines like a pearl, in a beautiful white sand beach. There you can find tropical weather all year long with white sand beach just a walk away, while exotic wave may excite those who craves for splashing experince. In the island, you can find natural tropical forest providing astounding atmosphere. With a total area no less than 44.4 ha, integrated with 25 cottages, restaurant, conference hall, swimming pool and jogging track surrounding the island, are you ready to be pampered with exotic natural experience.

Sikuai Island Package:

1. One day tour
2. Meeting package
3. Diving package
4. Fishing package
5. Honeymooners package

Other activity:

1. Banana boat
2. Diving
3. Canoing
4. Snorkeling
5. Jogging track
6. Sunset plaza

The facilities

A. Room services : 54 room available + single/double bed, bathroom with shower, TV, refrigerator, AC, fresh fruits, private balcony
B. Sikuai area facilities: restaurant, meeting room, mushalla, sunset plaza, pub/karaoke, laundry service, swimming pool, billiard, live music, fun bicycle, volley ball area, boat transfer.
Port where boat transfer to Sikuai Island from Sumatra Island:

Contact Address:
Dermaga wisata bahari
Batang arau west sumatera Indonesia
Telp (0751) 24880 Fax (0751) 24890

Boat schedule:

· Dermaga wisata bahari – Sikuai = 10.00 & 14.00 wib (check in)
· Sikuai - Dermaga wisata bahari = 11.00 & 16.00 wib (check out)


Bertahun-tahun yang lalu hingga sekitar beberapa bulan yang lalu, terus terang saya menjadi seorang yang merasa kehidupan dunia ini datar-datar saja, tidak ada yang istimewa dan layak disyukuri. Bagi saya saat tidurlah suatu kebahagiaan terindah. Entahlah, saya begitu menyesal atas apa yang saya miliki, istri, pekerjaan, kehidupan, kemampuan serta fisik yang saya miliki sepertinya tidak sesuai harapan. Saya selalu merasa menjadi orang yang KEKURANGAN di dunia ini. Semakin kuat saya berusaha untuk merubah keadaan, yang saya terima adalah semakin banyak kekecewaan. Saya tidak tahu harus memulai dari mana, hingga suatu saat seorang sahabat memberikan suatu nasehat yang sungguh luar biasa dan memberikan suatu gambaran utuh tentang sebuah arti syukur dalam kehidupan. Di suatu tempat aku dan sahabatku berbincang-bincang :

Ya...aku mengerti apa yang kau alami, tidak hanya kamu akupun sendiri pernah mengalami dan mungkin banyak orang lainnya, sekarang aku akan ambil satu kertas putih kosong dan aku tunjukkan padamu, apa yang kamu lihat ?, ucap sahabatku.

Aku tidak melihat apa-apa semuanya putih, jawabku lirih.

Sambil mengambil spidol hitam dan membuat satu titik ditengah kertasnya, sahabatku berkata "Nah..sekarang aku telah beri sebuah titik hitam diatas kertas itu, sekarang gambar apa yang kamu lihat?".

"Aku melihat satu titik hitam",
jawabku cepat.

"Pastikan lagi !", timpal sahabatku.

"titik hitam",
jawabku dengan yakin.

"Sekarang aku tahu penyebab masalahmu. Kenapa engkau hanya melihat satu titik hitam saja dari kertas tadi? cobalah rubah sudut pandangmu, menurutku yang kulihat bukan titik hitam tapi tetap sebuah kertas putih meski ada satu noda didalamnya, aku melihat lebih banyak warna putih dari kertas tersebut sedangkan kenapa engkau hanya melihat hitamnya saja dan itu pun hanya setitik ?". Jawab Sahabatku dengan lantang,

"Sekarang mengertikah kamu ?, Dalam hidup, bahagia atau tidaknya hidupmu tergantung dari sudut pandangmu memandang hidup itu sendiri, jika engkau selalu melihat titik hitam tadi yang bisa diartikan kekecewaan, kekurangan dan keburukan dalam hidup maka hal-hal itulah yang akan selalu hinggap dan menemani dalam hidupmu".

"Cobalah fahami, bukankah disekelilingmu penuh dengan warna putih, yang artinya begitu banyak anugerah yang telah diberikan oleh Tuhan kepada kamu, kamu masih bisa melihat, mendengar, membaca, berjalan, fisik yang utuh dan sehat, anak yang lucu-lucu dan begitu banyak kebaikan dari istrimu daripada kekurangannya, berapa banyak suami-suami yang kehilangan istrinya ?, Juga begitu banyak kebaikan dari pekerjaanmu dilain sisi banyak orang yang antri dan menderita karena mencari pekerjaan. Begitu banyak orang yang lebih miskin bahkan lebih kekurangan daripada kamu, kamu masih memiliki rumah untuk berteduh, aset sebagai simpananmu di hari tua, tabungan , asuransi dan teman-teman yang baik yang selalu mendukungmu. Kenapa engkau selalu melihat sebuah titik hitam saja dalam hidupmu ?" dan juga........ ......... .

Itulah kamu, betapa mudahnya melihat keburukan orang lain, padahal begitu banyak hal baik yang telah diberikan orang lain kepada kamu.

Itulah kamu, betapa mudahnya melihat kesalahan dan kekurangan orang lain, sedangkan kamu lupa kelemahan dan kekurangan diri kamu..

Itulah kamu, betapa mudahnya kamu menyalahkan dan mengingkari- Nya atas kesusahan hidupmu, padahal begitu besar anugerah dan karunia yang telah diberikan oleh-Nya dalam hidupmu.

Itulah kamu betapa mudahnya menyesali hidup kamu padahal banyak kebahagiaan telah diciptakan untuk kamu dan menanti kamu

"Mengapa kamu hanya melihat satu titik hitam pada kertas ini? PADAHAL SEBAGIAN KERTAS INI BERWARNA PUTIH ?,
sekarang mengetikah engkau ? ", ucap sahabatku sambil pergi (entah kemana).

"Ya aku mengerti", ucapku lirih.

Kertas itu aku ambil, aku buatkan satu pigora indah dan aku gantung di dinding rumahku. Bukan untuk SESEMBAHAN bagiku tapi sebagai PENGINGAT dikala lupa,..lupa. ..bahwa begitu banyak warna putih di hidupku daripada sebuah titik hitam. Sejak itu aku mencintai HIDUP ini. Bisa Hidup adalah suatu anugerah yang paling besar yang diberikan kepada kita oleh Perekayasa Agung... Aku tidak akan
menyia-nyiakannya. Pak Mariopun juga pernah berpesan kepadaku :

Kadang-kadang Tuhan menaruh kita pada tempat yang sulit supaya kita tahu dan menyadari bahwa tidak ada yang sulit bagi Tuhan

Temukan cara bersyukur akan masalah-masalahmu dan semua itu akan menjadi

berkah bagimu ...

Rasa syukur dapat mengubah hal yang negatif menjadi positif ...

oleh karena itu AKU SELALU