Structure and Tectonics
Structures found in the Tj Redeb consist of folds, normal faults, strike slip faults and lineaments. Faults trend NW-SE and SW-NE. Folds trend NW-SE and SW-NE forming anticlines and synclines. This are presumed to have four tectonic events. First event inferred during Late Cretaceous time or older. This event made the Bangara Fm. sediments into folding, faulting and low grade metamorphic rocks. Depositions of Early Eocene shallow marine sediment within the Sembakung Fm. (middle and western part of area) was also formed Tabalar Fm. in the SE mapped in Eocene-Oligocene and followed by the second tectonic event. Deposition of the Bangara Fm. took place in the middle, east, south and west in the Oligo-Miocene where it is locally intruded by Andesitic rocks, which have been altered and mineralized. Oligo Miocene volcanic activity formed the Jelai Volcanic Rocks in the west. After deposition of the Birang Fm. the Latih Fm was deposited. The Latih Fm. sediments were formed surrounding Teluk Bayur during Late Early Miocene up to Middle Miocene.
The third tectonic event seems to have been occurred after the position of the Latih Fm. Deposition of the Labanan Fm. in the SW and Domaring Fm in the east occurred during the Late Miocene up to the Pliocene whereas the Late Miocene sediments of the Tabul Fm was formed in the north and deposition of the Sinjin Fm. (in SW and N of the sheet). After deposition of the Sinjin Fm. the Sajau Fm. was deposited in the Eastern portion of the sheet in the Plio-Pleistocene.
The Late Pleistocene, after deposition of the Sajau Fm. sediments, the fourth tectonic event was presumed to have occurred. This was showing folding and faulting sediments of the Sajau Fm. and older sediments on the lower part to form the recent topography and morphology.
Mineral and Energy Resources
Coal is one of natural resources having a good prospect in the studied area. The coal surveys were carried out since the Netherlands Indies Government and then continue investigating by the Indonesian Government. Coals are found within sediments of the Latih, Tabul, Labanan and Sajau Formations. The coal mining was formerly carried out by the NV Steenkolen Maatschappij Prapatan (SMP).
Previous geologists report 70 coal seams ranging from 20cm to 5.5 M in thickness. There are many varieties of coal grading from bituminous coal to brown coal. The bituminous and sub-bituminous coals have a quality of 6000 calories per gram. The Teluk Bayur coals have 7000 calories per gram. Building materials such as quartz sand and clays are widespread in Teluk Bayur and Labanan areas. Good quality limestone outcrops are found in Tanjung Selor but are limited in area. The limestone also crops out well in Siduung River upstream but it is hard to be mined because of bad transportation. Limited andesite outcrops were also found in the west and they were used by the logging company for building roads.
Structures found in the Tj Redeb consist of folds, normal faults, strike slip faults and lineaments. Faults trend NW-SE and SW-NE. Folds trend NW-SE and SW-NE forming anticlines and synclines. This are presumed to have four tectonic events. First event inferred during Late Cretaceous time or older. This event made the Bangara Fm. sediments into folding, faulting and low grade metamorphic rocks. Depositions of Early Eocene shallow marine sediment within the Sembakung Fm. (middle and western part of area) was also formed Tabalar Fm. in the SE mapped in Eocene-Oligocene and followed by the second tectonic event. Deposition of the Bangara Fm. took place in the middle, east, south and west in the Oligo-Miocene where it is locally intruded by Andesitic rocks, which have been altered and mineralized. Oligo Miocene volcanic activity formed the Jelai Volcanic Rocks in the west. After deposition of the Birang Fm. the Latih Fm was deposited. The Latih Fm. sediments were formed surrounding Teluk Bayur during Late Early Miocene up to Middle Miocene.
The third tectonic event seems to have been occurred after the position of the Latih Fm. Deposition of the Labanan Fm. in the SW and Domaring Fm in the east occurred during the Late Miocene up to the Pliocene whereas the Late Miocene sediments of the Tabul Fm was formed in the north and deposition of the Sinjin Fm. (in SW and N of the sheet). After deposition of the Sinjin Fm. the Sajau Fm. was deposited in the Eastern portion of the sheet in the Plio-Pleistocene.
The Late Pleistocene, after deposition of the Sajau Fm. sediments, the fourth tectonic event was presumed to have occurred. This was showing folding and faulting sediments of the Sajau Fm. and older sediments on the lower part to form the recent topography and morphology.
Mineral and Energy Resources
Coal is one of natural resources having a good prospect in the studied area. The coal surveys were carried out since the Netherlands Indies Government and then continue investigating by the Indonesian Government. Coals are found within sediments of the Latih, Tabul, Labanan and Sajau Formations. The coal mining was formerly carried out by the NV Steenkolen Maatschappij Prapatan (SMP).
Previous geologists report 70 coal seams ranging from 20cm to 5.5 M in thickness. There are many varieties of coal grading from bituminous coal to brown coal. The bituminous and sub-bituminous coals have a quality of 6000 calories per gram. The Teluk Bayur coals have 7000 calories per gram. Building materials such as quartz sand and clays are widespread in Teluk Bayur and Labanan areas. Good quality limestone outcrops are found in Tanjung Selor but are limited in area. The limestone also crops out well in Siduung River upstream but it is hard to be mined because of bad transportation. Limited andesite outcrops were also found in the west and they were used by the logging company for building roads.
Regional Stratigraphy
- Qa – Quaternary alluvium, Mud, silt, sand, cobbles, pebbles and peat, grey to blackish colors, Unit thicknesses up to 40M..
- Ql – QUATERNARY REEF LIMESTONE, Reefal, coralline and brecciated corals, white to grey, brown, crystalline, hollows, containing corals, locally brecciated, deposited in shallow marine environment.
- TQps – SAJAU Fm. Alternations of claystone, siltstone, sandstone, conglomerate, intercalations of coal seams, contains molluscs, quartzite and micas. Shows cross bedding and lamination. Coal seams 20-100CM thick, black to brown. Unit thickness about 775M deposited in fluviatile and delta environments..
- Tps – SINJIN Fm. Alternations of tuff, agglomerate, lapilli, pyroxene andesite lava, silicified tuff, tuffaceous claystone and kaolin. Contains lignite, quartz, feldspar and black minerals. Unit thickness up to 500M.
- Tmpd – DOMARING Fm. Coralline limestone, chalky limestone, intercalations of marl and lignite; deposited in swampy-littoral environment, thickness is about 1000M. Of Late Miocene-Pliocene Age.
- Tmpl – LABANAN Fm. Alternating polymic conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, and claystone, intercalations of limestone and coal seams (20-150CM thick) deposited in fluvial environment. Thickness is about 450M. Late Miocene-Pliocene age.
- Tmt – TABUL Fm. Consisting of sandstone, claystone, conglomerate and coal seam intercalations. Contains Operculina sp. Unit thickness about 1050M. Deposited in delta, regressive environment. Late Miocene age.
- Tml – LATIH Fm. Quartz sandstone, claystone, siltstone and coal in the upper part. Intercalations of sandy shale and limestone in the lower part. Black and brown coal seams 0.2 to 5.5M thick. Deposited in estuary, delta and shallow marine environments. Unit thickness is about 800M. Early Miocene to Late Miocene age.
- Tomj – JELAI VOLCANICS, Volcanic breccia, tuffaceous sandstone and tuff. Locally intercalated with coal seams, shows graded bedding and cross bedding structures. Andesite cleave intrusive. Unit thickness reached 200M. Oligocene to Miocene age.
- Tomb – BIRANG Fm. Alternations of marl, limestone and tuff in the upper part. Alternations of marl, chert, conglomerate, quartz sandstone and limestone in the lower part. Thickness is about 1100M. Fossils content: Lepidocyclina ephicides, Spiroclypeus sp., Miogypsina sp., Marginopora vertebralis, Operculina sp., Globigerina tripartite Koch, Globigerinita altispira, Globorotalina mayeri Cushman and Ellisor, Globorotalia peripheronda, Globigerinoides immaturus, Globigerinoides sacculifer, Pre-Orbulina transitoria, Uvigerina sp., and Cassidulina sp. Fossils range Oligocene-Miocene Age.
- Teot – TABALAR Fm. Lower part consist of grey marl, sandstone, shale and intercalations of limestone and basal conglomerate. Upper part consists of dolomite and calcarenite and marl intercalations. Deposited in fluvial-shallow marine environment. Thickness is about 1000M. Eocene to Oligocene age.
- Tes –SEMBAKUNG Fm. Claystone, siltstone and sandstone in the lower part. Quartz sandstone, sandy limestone, chert and tuff in the upper part. Contains fossils: Nummulites sp., Discocyclina sp. Operculina sp. Globigerina sp. Reusella sp. Nodosaria sp., Planulina sp., Amphistegina sp., and Borelis sp., Unit thickness up to 1000M. Deposited in marine environment. Eocene age.
- Kbs – BANGARA Fm. Alternations of metamorphic claystone, silicified claystone, black claystone and shale intercalated with laminated tuffs containing radiolaria. Flysch deposit.
- Tomi – INTRUSIVE ROCKS, Andesite, consisting of vitrophyre, prophyllitic andesite and pyroxene andesite lavas.
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